- OHS from rack: 5 set of 1 reps to 90% 1-RM
- Split jerk from rack: find the 1-RM with (Good technique) from rack.
- Power Clean + Power Jerk – 70% x (1+1) x 5
EMOTM 10 minutes:
- 3 Snatch to 70% 1-RM
- 50 meter Prowler push AHAP
From 00:00 minutes to 10:00
- 25 cal row
- 21 CTB
- 15 burpee box jumps
- 12 cluster 60kg
From 10:00 minutes to 20:00
- 20 cal row
- 18 CTB
- 12 burpee box jump
- 9 cluster 65kg
From 20:00 minutes to 30:00
- 15 cal row
- 12 CTB
- 6 burpee box jump
- 3 cluster 75kg