
Technique Primer: Tall Jerk + Push Jerk BNK in Split – 3 x (3+3) (light)

• Pause Jerk + Jerk – (1+1)RM
• Power Clean – 2RM
• Push Press – 3RM


 Emom perform:

  • Odd minute: 5x snatch push press + 1x overhead squat
  • Even minute: 1-3 x gymnastics complex (1x toes to bar + 1x pull up + 1x bar muscle up, unbroken



For time:

  • 4 Legless rope climbs
  • 12 Clean and jerk 155/105lbs
  • 3 Legless rope climbs
  • 9 Clean and jerk 155/105lbs
  • 2 Legless rope climbs
  • 6 Clean and jerk 155/105lbs
  • 1 Legless rope climbs
  • 3 Clean and jerk 155/105lbs



5 Rounds

  • 15 Sumo DLHP 75/55lbs
  • 15 CTB pull-ups
  • 15 Box jump-overs 24/20″