
Technique Primer: Slow-Pull Clean (5 sec to mid-thigh) + Hang Power Clean (mid-thigh) + Hang Clean (mid-thigh) – 4 x (1+1+1)

  • Clean High-Pull + Hang Clean (below knee) + Clean – 70% x (1+1+1) x 6
  • Squat Clean 6×1 x90%
  • Clean Pull (controlled eccentric in proper position) + Halting Clean Deadlift (knee) (controlled eccentric in proper position) – 85%x4x4

Death by overhead squat speed ladder”. For as long as possible, every 10 minutes, complete:

  • 1x rope climb, legless (15ft)
  • 1x overhead squat 50kg
  • 1x overhead squat 60kg
  • 1x overhead squat 70kg
  • 1x overhead squat 80kg
  • 1x overhead squat 90kg
  • 1x overhead squat 95kg
  • 1x overhead squat 100kg
  • 1x overhead squat 105kg


For time:

30 Snatches, 135/95
30 Clean and Jerks, 135/95
30 Thrusters, 135/95

Emon 20′

  • Even minute: 4 Ground to Overhead (185/125 lbs)
  • Odd minute : 10 cal row


  • Parallel Front Squat – 65%x4x5
  • Stric Pull up AHAP 80% x5x6
  • Muscle up ring AHAP 5×5
  • Rope climbing legless AHAP 5 set
  • Core