Technique Primer: Slow-Pull Snatch (5 sec to mid-thigh) + Dip Snatch + Snatch Balance – 4 x (1+1+1)
- Snatch High-Pull + Hang Snatch (below knee) + Snatch – 3RM; 90% x (1+1+1), 95% x (1+1+1) (% of RM)
- OHS from rack: 3x5x75% 1-RM, + 2x3x85% 1-RM, + 2x2x90% 1-RM
- Snatch Pull (controlled eccentric in proper position) – 85%x4, 90%x4, 95%x4x2
EMOTM 20 minutes
Every 30 seconds for 10 minutes ( 20 sets):
- 4 C&J 70% 1-RM
Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes (10 sets):
- 2 C&J 78% 1-RM
Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes (10 sets):
- 1 C&J 89% 1-RM
EMOM 15 minutes
Every 30 seconds for 15 minutes (25 sets):
- 1 Snatch 80% 1-RM
5 Rounds – Complete AMRAP in 2 minutes of:
- 3 Ground to overhead 70kg
- 5 Muscle up
- 9 Chest to bar pull ups
- 6 Pistol squat
*Rest 30 sec between each AMRAP.
5 Rounds for time:
- 12 hang power snatch 45kg
- 15 C2B
- 12 front rack lunge 45kg