
Technique Primer: Muscle Snatch + Tall Snatch – 3 x (3+3) (light)

• 2-Position Snatch (floor, knee) – from block find the RM
• Continue with find the 1 RM Snatch
• Snatch Pull – 115%x3, 120%x3, 125%x3
• Back Squat – 79%x3, 89%x1, 81%x3, 91%x1, 83%x3, 93%x1

Emon 20 minutos

Odd; 5 muscle up
Even; 10 ghd


Every 6 minutes until completion or inability to finish a segment:

1) From 0:00-6:00

50 Wall Balls 20/14# (10’/9′)
20 TTB

2) From 6:00-12:00

50 snatches 55kg
30 TTB

3) From 12:00-18:00

50 front squat 60kg
40 TTB