
Technique Primer: Slow-Pull Clean (5 sec to mid-thigh) + Hang Power Clean (mid-thigh) + Hang Clean (mid-thigh) – 4 x (1+1+1)
Emom every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets)

  • OHS from rack, 3 reps of 80% 1-RM

Emom every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes (9 sets)

  • Clean High-Pull + Hang Clean (below knee) + Clean – (1+1+1)RM; 90% x (1+1+1), 95% x (1+1+1) (% of RM)

Death by Snatch speed ladder”. For 10 minutes:

  • 1x rope climb, legless (15ft)
  • 1x full snatch 50kg
  • 1x full snatcht 60kg
  • 1x full snatch 70kg
  • 1x full snatch 80kg

EMOM 10 minutes:

  • Odd: 10 Chest to bar pull up
  • Even: 10 Thrusters, 42kg

AMRAP 7 minutes 

  • 10 muscle up
  • 5 push press 80kg