
Technique Primer: Slow-Pull Clean (5 sec to mid-thigh) + Hang Power Clean (mid-thigh) + Hang Clean (mid-thigh) – 4 x (1+1+1)

  • Complex clean from block: High pull+ Hang Clean (below knee) + High hang clean + Jerk – (1+1+1+2 )RM; 80% x (1+1+1+2 ), 95% x (1+1+1+2) (% of RM)
  • Power Snatch + OHS (3 sec hold in bottom) – (2+1)RM; 90% x (2+1), 95% x (2+1) (% of RM)
  • Snatch Balance (3 sec hold in bottom) – 75%x2x2, 80%x2x3


EMOTM 14 minutes, perform:

  • Odd minute: 40m sled push AHAP
  • Even minute: Max rep strict HSPU

For time:

  • 5 Bar facing burpees
  • 20 Hang cleans 50kg
  • 5 Bar facing burpees
  • 15 Thrusters 50kg
  • 5 Bar facing burpees
  • 10 Cluster
  • 5 Bar facing burpees
  • 5 Push press

AMRAP 8 minutes.

  • 1 OHS 60kg
  • 1 muscle up
  • 2 OHS 60kg
  • 2 muscle up