Technique Primer: Press in Snatch (ascending weights) – 5, 4, 3
- Power Snatch + OHS (3 sec hold in bottom) – 70% x (2+1) x 6
- Power Jerk + Jerk – 70% x (2+1) x 6 (% of Jerk)
- Snatch Balance (3 sec hold in bottom) – 70%x2x5
Amrap 10 minutes
Part 1
- Snatch 30 reps of 65% 1-RM
- Snatch 20 reps of 75% 1-RM
- Amrap in remaining time of 80% 1-RM
Part 2
- In a 8 m window, stablish a max snatch, no reste between part 1 and 2.
Emotm 22 minutes
- Movement 1 – Gymnastics
- Movement 2 – Non-Monostructural Conditioning
- Unbroken Complex: 3 butterfly pull up+ 3 chest to bar pull up + 3 muscle up bar
- Sled pull 50 m AHAP
For time
5 rounds of:
- Row 400m
- 15 Burpees .6″ Target
- Split jerk behind the neck + OHS (3+3) 85% 1-RM
- Bench press: 75%x3 , 80%x1, 75%x3, 85%x1, 75%3, 90%x1, 75%x3
- Ring dip AHAP 5×5
- Core session